Why Journalism

Journalism  helps to become better thinker, better communicator and as a result better citizens. (Brown & Tantillo). Media is the fourth Pillar of democracy and as a media person one can play an active role in a nation building.

Journalists are torch bearers of society, upholding its impartial values & liberal traditions. Indian journalism has been at the heart of our freedom struggle & today has worldwide admiration for its courage, fearlessness & vibrancy. Students of Journalism typically share a passion for writing, an earnest desire to tell honest stories and a fascination for public issues.

Journalism is a profession with a mission & passion.

The institute provides newsroom environment where students will learn to write news reports & features. They  will also get training for editing, scripting and producing Lab Journals and News Bulletins for Print and TV Journalism.
Students are also encouraged to work on independent projects which cover Press conferences, Political meetings, Speeches, Rallies, Seminars, Corporate affairs & Business meets, Sports, lifestyle and Entertainment.

The profession needs lively, bright & enthusiastic people just like you!

Why Advertising

Advertising and Public Relations involve strategic thinking on one hand & cutting edge creativity on the other. Working from a solid foundation of the theories and strategies that underpin all successful Advertising and Public Relations Campaigns, this programme accesses and develops creative potential to generate powerful and persuasive message.

Combining a critical examination of the impact of advertising messages with practical project that develops ‘hands on’ creative skills, the JIMMC advertising programme prepares students for a career in advertising, brand management, corporate communication and public relations. Work in Public Relations is varied. One day they may be running a press conference for a celebrity or charity, and another day organizing a high profile event or arranging sponsorship for a client.